Teach For Nigeria: Empowering Education for All

Client: Teach for Nigeria

About This Project

Teach For Nigeria is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing educational inequity by recruiting and training passionate individuals to teach in under-resourced schools across Nigeria.

Teach For Nigeria faced challenges with a fragmented online presence, which hindered their ability to attract recruits, engage donors, and communicate their impact effectively.

A user-friendly website redesign streamlined navigation, highlighted success stories, and integrated donation and application portals. This transformation boosted their online visibility, facilitated recruitment, and strengthened donor engagement, thereby amplifying their mission to provide quality education for all children in Nigeria.

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MKH Supermarket

MKH Supermarket is a renowned grocery retailer. We designed and developed their user-friendly online shopping website to reflect their commitment to fresh produce, pantry staples, and a delightful shopping experience. We enjoyed bringing their website to life.

This site may have been changed or updated by the client since it was first launched.

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